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Prayer Ministries

Prayer Ministries

Every Tuesday between 7pm and 8.30pm and there is also prayer on a Wednesday 10.30am

Ruth Burke is the Regional Prayer Co-ordinator for Region 6 and the local Prayer Co-ordinator for Moss Lane.
We link into the National Corporate theme of ‘Let us Pray’. We see this as our primary focus based on Christ’s admonition that we should pray and not faint.
Our prayer supports the life of the Church and helps our Leaders in steering in the direction that God has ordained. The main scripture that we are using this year is 2 Timothy 2:20, 21 which urges us to prepare ourselves to do the work of the Lord.
We have Prayer Meetings every Tuesday between 7pm and 8.30pm and there is also prayer on a Wednesday morning, led by our Seniors Co-ordinator, Launa Bailey. As a team, we lead prayer every Sunday morning from 10am to 10.30am and are available during services to support in prayer.
We also have fasting and prayer every 1st Sunday of the month. Our focus this year is Exodus 20: 3-20 where God ushers His people into a closer, more productive relationship with Him.
The National Theme for the Church of God of Prophecy UK is Let Us Pray – 2 Chronicles 20 verse 12. Click here to access
We continue to have 21 days of Corporate fasting and prayer at the beginning of the year and are involved in two separate weeks of Corporate prayer during the course of the year. Both of these include 24-hour Prayer Watches.
In these uncertain times, there has been call for 24/7 prayer until the covid-19 pandemic breaks. Much faith is needed to engage in this endeavour, and we ask you to prayerfully consider joining with us in prayer. Click on this link to sign up to the 24h Prayer Watch.
We also have daily prayer and bible study. Click here for more details: and there is also a weekly live stream every Sunday evening with our National Presiding Bishop – Bishop Tedroy Powell and his wife Minister Alyne Powell
Submit Prayer Request: Email link
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